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What is Wholistic Natural Living & Why it Matters?

For generations we have been stripped away our true identity of the very essence of ourselves and our connection to this world. We’ve lost touch with how to properly care for ourselves and ensure nourishment as a whole. We don’t know who and what we are so we don’t know how to properly care for ourselves and ensure nourishment on every level. Not only have we forgotten but we’re teaching the wrong things also. Modern day western medicine, a system of medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc., who treat symptoms and dis-ease, has misled us. This mainstream medicine has become the standard medicine practice, failing to evaluate us as whole human body systems we are. It’s referred to as western because modern science is rooted in the rationalist philosophy of European Enlighten. By nature these Europeans were incapable of completely integrating with the universe because of melanin deficiency and the wrong mind set. They couldn’t fathom that humans have both physical and non-physical essences, or recognize the power of the connection between mind, body, and soul.
We have to get in tune on every level to unlearn generations of harm and remember love.  Love is the foundation to everything. It is the highest vibration and state of consciousness in the universe. When we tune into this vibrational frequency we are aligning ourselves with the energy of the divine creator of all (God, Allah, the many Gods or Hinduism and Buddhism, source, etc. What matters is that you know it exists). However that love should begin with you. Once you truly love yourself, you love the whole world. True love of self is true wellness. Contrarily, we don’t love ourselves as we should. You would think if we knew better, we’d do better but sadly, that’s not the case. We’ve turned a blind eye to reality. We need research to tell us the ubiquitous. If we truly loved ourselves why do we deprive our bodies with the standard American diet? We unseeingly believe “soul food” is good for us. If we truly loved ourselves why do we continually use toxic ingredients on our skin and hair? We negligently poison our bloodstream through our pores from artificial and chemical products, invading our minds and behaviors. If we truly loved ourselves why do we marginalize spiritual and emotional aspects of wellness, and only focus on the physical? We might not condone anyone physically harming us, but we let people in who speak everything into us but life. Why don’t we know how to truly love ourselves?
I don’t remember the exact day it clicked, but I remember thinking ‘today is the day!  And that I would stick with it and dedicate myself.’ I didn’t want to live that lifestyle anymore. It was slowly poisoning me. It was killing and negatively impacting the people I dearly loved. So I made the commitment. The commitment to unlearn those detrimental patterns, embody new behaviors, and heal wounds to raise my vibrations and become my higher self. When we heal ourselves, we heal others.
We are our greatest investment.
How much is your wellness worth?
  • Natural medicine, a type of integrated or alternative medicine to the modern medicine we’re most familiar with today, is any therapy that relies on the body’s own healing powers.
  • Wholistic (holistic) is also a type of alternative medicine. It’s a form of healing that involves treating the whole person: mind, body, and soul (spirit), as opposed to focusing only on the part of the body where symptoms occur. Self- care and prevention of illness are stressed.
  • Examples of natural wholistic practices includes but are not limited to: herbal remedies, diet, chiropractic, massage, water therapy, yoga/ mediation, divine/spiritual healing, energy work, personal training, and therapy.
Wholistic Natural living doesn’t wait until something feels wrong to start the healing process. It’s about constantly observing and healing ourselves, all of us, and creating a life that nourishes. Nourishes us as a whole resulting in a healthy mind, body and soul. This is a lifestyle choice that results in excellent overall wellness that is super easy to maintain.
It acknowledges that all 3 parts (mind, body, and soul) are interconnected and effect each other. If you’re anxious, your mind isn’t at ease. So you don’t get enough sleep, bringing your body into it. This may cause you to withdraw from your friends and family, effecting your connection with others, or the soul aspect of you.
  • Mind: to nourish the mind means to create a positive outlook on life. Everything starts with the mind. We must tend to our mental and emotional health because it controls our actions. That’s why it’s important to cultivate a healthy mind. What we think, we create. It’s also helpful to gain a deeper understanding of how your mind works so that we can better control it. 
  • Body: Nourishing our bodies include mental aspects as well since everything is interconnected. It’s excising, eating healthy, and getting the proper rest / sleep, and so much more.
  • Soul: nourishing the soul means spiritually, but it’s not just limited to that. It include mental and physical aspects as well. This is living with a purpose, deepening your connection with others, and spending time on meaningful contributions to the world.
If you’re still trying to figure out where you fit into the world, that’s okay. Actually, nourishing your soul can help you get closer to that understanding. After while you’ll create a deeper relationship with yourself, the world around you, and your connection to source. Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for everything.
To live wholistically, you see the big picture. Instead of placing a band aid on the issue, it treats the underlying issues, ensuring overall wellness. Living in a state of good health via healthy mind, body, and soul is what’s most important than anything in this world. The more you nourish all parts of your body, the better you function.
I hope I have sparked inspiration in you and your journey to a healthier lifestyle.
This is a lifelong endeavor so please don’t feel the need to "figure it out” instantly. Also it doesn’t matter where you start on this never-ending process. There’s always something new to learn. There’s always new research, therapies, ideas, and inspirations that are constantly coming forth. It’s an exciting ongoing journey.


  • Those computerized words put together perfectly and will certainly inspire if not all most of the readers. Congratulations and you continue to change lives. Stay safe.

  • Hi. I love love love this!!! I am all for holistic everything. I am a yogi & therapist. I want to learn more abt herbs myself. Everything you wrote, i vibe with so deeply thank you for the courage to put this out, it means so much to me! We are from the same town, and I just want to say your amazing and thank you again! If you need anything I am here! ❤️


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